Extra Credit

 Stereotypes are negative views or images of certain people. For example, a stereotype for black people is that we all like watermelon and koolaid. Stereotypes usually make me upset because they're false and ignorant.

Prejudices are strong negative opinions on a specific group of people without any real knowledge. I strongly disagree with this because it's wrong to judge people especially if you don't know anything about them. One example of prejudice is racism.

1. She wrote stories about blue-eyed white children outside playing in the snow and talking about the weather, although she had lived in Nigeria and no where else. She wrote them this way because thats what she was reading.

2. vulnerable, children.

3.  She was surprised because all that she had heard about them was that they were poor and she couldn't see them as anything else.

4. She blamed them because they gave a false narrative on what Africa really was.

5. "and that is what they become."

6. "definitive story of that person."

7. She didn't have a single story of America because she read many stories about America.

8. flatten, incomplete

9. One example is her wonderfully ambitious hair braider, who recently started her own business selling hair extensions. 

10. I have fell victim to a single story one time. A customer at my job assumed I was some type of thug because I have dreads. Having a balanced story would have told them that not all dread heads are ghetto thugs and most of us are respectable and have jobs.



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